How to stop living in fear?

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Don’t you think its time you take your life back.  Aren’t you tired of living in fear? How to stop living in fear? Too long opportunities have passed you by.

We all experience fear in one or the other. It could be fear of not being enough, fear of rejection, fear of being jeered or mocked, fear of commitment, fear of not sticking to a plan so you avoid doing anything at all. Irrespective of your status in life, everyone has something that they fear in life.

However, the thought of fear itself doesn’t hold us back. It’s how you process these feelings. How you approach fear decides the effect that it has on your lives. Fear either cripples your movement and keep you behind and robs you of opportunities. Fear keeps you stagnant.

You can either decide to live in the shadows of our feelings of fear and let it control your life or live each day to improve your life.

stop living in fear

Understanding Fear: Unraveling the Roots of Fear

Fear, while a natural human emotion, can manifest in various forms and for different reasons.

Understanding the types of fear and their underlying causes is crucial for overcoming them and living a more fulfilling life.

Types of Fear & Why We Experience Them

Fear can be categorized into several distinct types, each with its own set of triggers and underlying causes:

  • Fear of Failure: This fear stems from a deep-seated belief that we are not good enough or that we will be judged harshly if we don’t succeed. It can paralyze us, preventing us from taking risks or pursuing our goals.
  • Fear of the Unknown: The uncertainty of the future can be daunting. This fear can manifest as anxiety about change, new experiences, or even the possibility of loss.
  • Fear of Rejection: We all crave connection and belonging, and the fear of rejection can be incredibly painful. This fear can lead to social anxiety, avoidance of relationships, or a constant need for approval.
  • Fear of Judgment: The fear of being judged negatively by others can be a significant source of anxiety. It can lead to self-doubt, insecurity, and a reluctance to express ourselves authentically.
  • Fear of Death: While a natural fear, excessive fear of death can become debilitating, leading to anxiety, panic attacks, and a preoccupation with mortality.

Why Do We Experience These Fears?

There are numerous reasons why we might experience these fears, and they often vary from person to person. Some common factors include:

  • Past Experiences: Traumatic events, childhood experiences, or negative social interactions can create deep-seated fears that linger into adulthood.
  • Negative Self-Talk: Our inner dialogue plays a significant role in shaping our emotions. If we constantly criticize ourselves or focus on our perceived flaws, it can fuel fear and anxiety.
  • Limiting Beliefs: Beliefs about our abilities, worthiness, or the world around us can create a sense of limitation and fear.
  • Lack of Confidence: When we lack confidence in ourselves or our abilities, it’s easy to fall prey to fear and self-doubt.

Everyone has Fears-How do you get over fear?

Growing up one of the biggest fear was rejection. I would always think of myself as not good enough when I go into a situation.

I would think, “What if they think I’m not tall enough, brown enough, educated enough?”

There would always be something in the back of my mind saying that, I wasn’t good enough for the opportunity at hand and I would be rejected.

I would avoid as much situation as possible that required me to be involved in a social space.

That way I wouldn’t have to interact with people and put myself at risk of being looked down on and be rejected eventually.

I was plagued by the questions

  • “What if I do the wrong thing?”
  • “What if I say the wrong thing?”
  • “How am I expected to behave?”
  • “If they do give me a chance to speak, how do I know that I will be interesting?”

The thing is you never how you will perform unless you tried.

I never know how I would perform in these paces until I tried, be myself and see what happens.

This prevented me from starting my YouTube channel, from taking many speaking engagements and even going to social events. This held me back so much.

how to stop living in fear

All of us at some point in our lives has experienced, some people still live in fear.

How to Stop Living in Fear: Strategies for Overcoming Anxiety and Embracing Courage

Living in fear is like being trapped in a cage of your own making.

It can hold you back from experiencing life’s joys, pursuing your dreams, and forming meaningful connections.

But fear doesn’t have to be your master.

By understanding its origins and applying practical strategies, you can break free and embrace a courageous life.

How to stop living in fear?

The reality is that no one is perfect, no one is exempted from this kind of feeling of fear. It is very real.

Determine the source of your fear:

Fear often stems from specific triggers or underlying beliefs.

Take time to reflect on what makes you anxious. Is it a fear of failure, rejection, or the unknown?

Identifying the source of your fear is the first step to overcoming it.

For example, growing up, I had a deep-seated fear of rejection.

I constantly questioned my worthiness and worried about not being “good enough” in various social situations.

This fear held me back from pursuing opportunities and forming meaningful connections.

Recognize that life happens for you, not to you:

Instead of viewing challenges and setbacks as punishments, see them as opportunities for growth and learning.

Embrace a positive mindset that sees obstacles as stepping stones on your path to success.

Stop making excuses and take responsibility

Blaming external circumstances or other people for your fears will only keep you stuck.

Take ownership of your emotions and actions, and empower yourself to make positive changes.

Turn your “shoulds” into “musts”

Replace self-imposed limitations with empowering affirmations.

Instead of saying, “I should try public speaking,” declare, “I must try public speaking to conquer my fear.”

Adopt a growth mindset and believe in your ability

Embrace challenges as opportunities to expand your knowledge and skills.

Believe in your potential to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals.

Learn that pain can bring valuable insight and growth:

Painful experiences can teach us valuable lessons and lead to personal growth.

Embrace challenges as opportunities to learn, adapt, and become more resilient.

Practice self-care and prioritize your well-being:

Take care of your physical, emotional, and mental health.

Engage in activities that bring you joy, reduce stress, and promote relaxation.

For instance, meditation and music helped me to channel my anxiety into something positive, which allowed me to focus on other aspects of my life.

Be fully present and mindful of the current moment:

Mindfulness involves being fully engaged in the present moment without judgment.

Practice mindfulness techniques to reduce anxiety and increase self-awareness.

Accept that failure is inevitable

Everyone experiences setbacks and failures. Instead of fearing them, view them as opportunities for growth and learning.

Embrace the lessons learned and move forward with renewed determination.

I realized that my fear of rejection had prevented me from starting a YouTube channel and taking on speaking engagements.

By facing my fear and putting myself out there, I discovered that I was capable of more than I ever imagined.

stop living in fear
Photos from Canva

What a Fearless Life Looks Like & How to Live a Fulfilling Life:

Imagine a life where fear doesn’t hold you back. A life where you confidently pursue your dreams, embrace new experiences, and build deep, meaningful connections. This is the life that awaits you when you learn to conquer fear.

Living without fear doesn’t mean being reckless or ignoring potential dangers. It means facing your fears with courage, challenging limiting beliefs, and trusting in your ability to navigate life’s uncertainties.

When you embrace a fearless life, you’ll experience:

  • Increased Confidence: You’ll trust yourself more and feel capable of taking on new challenges.
  • Improved Relationships: You’ll be more open, authentic, and vulnerable, leading to deeper connections with others.
  • Greater Resilience: You’ll bounce back from setbacks more easily and embrace change with optimism.
  • More Joy and Fulfillment: You’ll be free to pursue your passions, experience life’s adventures, and live a life that truly lights you up.

To cultivate a fulfilling life, focus on gratitude, self-compassion, and positive relationships. Practice mindfulness to stay present and appreciate the good in your life. Surround yourself with supportive people who uplift and inspire you. And most importantly, be kind to yourself, especially when faced with challenges. Remember, you are worthy of love, happiness, and success.

Do you want to achieve your dreams? Do you want to be the best version of yourself?


Then it time you let identify that fear, overcome it. That way you can see your goals in hindsight and crush them.

Nothing can stop you, my friend. It all lies in your hand, just ask for guidance from God and he will direct you.



Affirmations to Stop Living in Fear

  1. I am fearless in the face of challenges and obstacles.
  2. My ambitions are fierce and unshakable.
  3. I choose to be strong-willed and resolute in my efforts.
  4. Fear has no place in my journey towards success.
  5. I say no to fear and yes to my unstoppable courage.
  6. My spirit is fierce, and I refuse to back down.
  7. I embrace my inner strength and let go of all fear.
  8. Every challenge is an opportunity for my fearless growth.
  9. I am a beacon of unwavering resolve and bravery.
  10. Fear cannot hold me back; I am fierce and determined.
  11. I move forward with confidence, leaving fear behind.
  12. My ambitions are bold, and my spirit is unyielding.
  13. I am resolute in my efforts, undeterred by any obstacles.
  14. Fear is a passing shadow, while my courage shines bright.
  15. I am strong-willed and ready to conquer any fear.
  16. My fierce determination fuels my journey to success.
  17. I choose to act with courage, not fear.
  18. Every step I take is a step away from fear and towards strength.
  19. I am unshakable in my pursuit of my dreams.
  20. Fear is powerless against my fierce and unwavering will.
  21. I embody strength and resilience, conquering all fears.
  22. My ambition burns brightly, igniting my fearless path.
  23. I am resolute and bold, no fear can deter me.
  24. I harness my inner power to overcome any fear.
  25. Fear is a mere illusion compared to my fierce reality.
  26. I stand firm in my goals, unyielding to fear.
  27. My spirit is fierce, my resolve is unwavering.
  28. I am determined and fearless in all my endeavors.
  29. I rise above fear with strength and determination.
  30. My ambitions are fierce and fueled by fearless resolve.
  31. I am resolute, and fear cannot control me.
  32. Every moment is an opportunity to embrace my fearless self.
  33. I face every challenge with unyielding courage and strength.
  34. My willpower is stronger than any fear I encounter.
  35. I am fierce in my pursuit of success, unbothered by fear.
  36. Fear is insignificant compared to my fierce ambitions.
  37. I am steadfast and unbreakable, with no room for fear.
  38. I am a warrior of courage, forging ahead with fierce resolve.
  39. Fear dissolves in the face of my relentless determination.
  40. I am driven by fearless ambitions and unyielding spirit.
  41. I overcome fear with my fierce and resolute heart.
  42. My journey is marked by fearless action and unwavering focus.
  43. I am fearless and determined, undeterred by any challenge.
  44. I cast aside fear and step confidently into my power.
  45. My fierce will propels me forward, leaving fear behind.
  46. I am strong-willed, and fear has no dominion over me.
  47. I am resolute in my ambitions, with no room for fear.
  48. Fear is a shadow; my courage is the light that guides me.
  49. I am unwavering in my pursuit, driven by fearless ambition.
  50. I embrace my fearless nature and rise above all fears.

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Davian Bryan
Davian Bryan

I am passionate about living your dream life, not settling; daring every area of your life to find your purpose, identify your dreams and work towards it. I write content to help readers aspire to be their best selves and start their and grow their online business. Are you ready?

Articles: 105

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