how to stop living in fear

How to stop living in fear

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Don’t you think its time you take your life back.  Aren’t you tired of living in fear? How to stop living in fear? Too long opportunities have passed you by.

We all experience fear in one or the other. It could be fear of not being enough, fear of rejection, fear of being jeered or mocked, fear of commitment, fear of not sticking to a plan so you avoid doing anything at all. Irrespective of your status in life, everyone has something that they fear in life.

However, the thought of fear itself doesn’t hold us back. It’s how you process these feelings. How you approach fear decides the effect that it has on your lives. Fear either cripples your movement and keep you behind and robs you of opportunities. Fear keeps you stagnant.

You can either decide to live in the shadows of our feelings of fear and let it control your life or live each day to improve your life.

stop living in fear

Everyone has Fears-How do you get over fear?

Growing up one of the biggest fear was rejection. I would always think of myself as not good enough when I go into a situation. I would think, “What if they think I’m not tall enough, brown enough, educated enough?” There would always be something in the back of my mind saying that, I wasn’t good enough for the opportunity at hand and I would be rejected.

I would avoid as much situation as possible that required me to be involved in a social space. That way I wouldn’t have to interact with people and put myself at risk of being looked down on and be rejected eventually. I was plagued by the questions “What if I do the wrong thing?”, “What if I say the wrong thing?” “How am I expected to behave?” “If they do give me a chance to speak, how do I know that I will be interesting?”

The thing is you never how you will perform unless you tried. I never know how I would perform in these paces until I tried, be myself and see what happens.

This prevented me from starting my YouTube channel, from taking many speaking engagements and even going to social events. This held me back so much.

how to stop living in fear
Photo from Pixabay

All of us at some point in our lives has experienced, some people still live in fear.

How to stop living in fear?

The reality is that no one is perfect, no one is exempted from this kind of feeling of fear. It is very real.

Identify it

Another fear of mine was public speaking. I had a decent educational background, a good command of the English language but I just thought I would say something wrong when I go up to speak or even if I don’t necessarily sat something wrong, people just won’t receive me well. I feared public speaking so much. Funny enough I wanted to be a motivational speaker yet I couldn’t stand in front of a crowd to speak without shaking.

I had to make a decision. Am I going to always like this? Am I going to constantly hide behind that fear and make excuses or am I going to be disciplined in my approach to overcome it.

I had to look at the live I was living, assess how t was and then imagined myself living as an overcome of fear and pictured how my life would be. My life was better as an overcome of fear so I had to push myself to get over it. The best way to get over your fear of doing something is do it, do it again, oh yes do it again.

Control it

Even when I was trembling inside, and unsure of what to say, I did it anyway. I used up my negative to feeling of fear and steered it into gestures, I moved around on the platform creatively to identify it and controlled it.

I don’t shy away from it. There’s room for improvement because even though I’ve overcome some level of rejection, there are times when it tends to creep up on me and I have to catch up on myself and take a stand against it.

You have to decide you’re living now is worth keeping and not challenge yourself to be better and living the same or dare your self to improve and take it one step at a time

Life is about constant growth, improving in areas that you lack in life until you become better each time.

It is normal to feel fear, especially if you’re clueless about something. In any case, that doesn’t imply that you should give power our feelings of fear to control us and prevent us from tapping into our gifts and values and hinders our best life from coming forth.

This, therefore, means that we ought to identify the truth about our feelings of fear and take the necessary steps to overcome. If you don’t, you won’t live a free and happy life.

Fears are only thoughts that linger in our mind. The mind tends to be very protective and safeguard. When placed in an unknown situation, the mind builds up these defenses, and sometimes it comes in the form of fear it looks simple but what it actually does is prevent us from living, have a life of happiness.

It prevents us from taking risks, trying new things and getting all the best things that God has created for us. The bible says that he has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and a sound mind.

Do you want to achieve your dreams? Do you want to be the best version of yourself?


Then it time you let identify that fear, overcome it. That way you can see your goals in hindsight and crush them.

Nothing can stop you, my friend. It all lies in your hand, just ask for guidance from God and he will direct you.

stop living in fear
Photos from Canva

Have confidence in all that you can do and let go of feelings of fear prevent you from carrying on with your life.

Believe in who you are, believe in your gifts, strive to be your best self.



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