My Story

dare your lifestyle
Where it all began................

Out of your vulnerabilities, your strength will come.

I once struggled with self-love, self-acceptance. I wasn’t confident in myself. 

Predominantly, my lack of self-confidence was rooted in my height.  I had always felt lacking because of the names people used to call me. Everywhere I went one of the first things people would often say, “He’s so short, you dwarf.” 

Every time it would affect me so much because  I was latching on to the negative things they were saying. I didn’t know how to build self-confidence.

 I had a ‘decent’ life, but I would say most of my life was just ordinary, shy, negative thinking and insecure. I was an outright people-pleaser. I wasn’t enjoying life as God had made it for me.

 I’m no longer a people pleaser. I no longer compare myself negatively to people. My self-talks have improved and I am fiercely motivated to go after my dreams in life.

I tapped into my true potential and started to chase my dreams so I can have a life of freedom. I had to change. The cycle of poverty and stagnancy in my family had to be broken.  I decided the generational curse of lack, “poor-thing” was going to end. 

You can do it too, you must do it because no one is going to do it for you ( that’s what I realized).

With God’s identity-You cant help but be confident. Now, I am more confident than ever. I don’t need anyone’s permission to go after my dreams. God has graced me with confidence. God wants you to make steps, take actions in order to get better.

Whatever you want in life, you better go get it my friend. Faith without work is dead so you must first believe then take actions. Once you take the right steps, God will unleash your passions and enable you to find your purpose in life. Everyone’s story is unique. Everyone’s story speaks to someone.  I got to understand that success was made for everyone. However, success won’t find you. You have to get up and go after it.

I had to boost my confidence and be bold enough to step out of my comfort zone, disregard naysayers and start an online business through blogging. 

You can do anything you want in life. You have to find your purpose, believe in your God-given gifts, abilities and what you have to offer.  You can turn your passion into blogging. I  had to challenge my life and stepped out, be daring to start my own business. 

 You can even use your own struggles to uplift someone. I will guide on how to not only be a better version of yourself but also start and grow a blog but also get it monetized very quickly. If you’re visiting my blog for the  first time, you can check out a step-by-step guide to get started on making a money making blog. Once you change your self-limiting mindset and believe that you have what it takes, then nothing can stop you my friend. Let me help you every step on this journey. This is the GOOD STUFF.

Get practical tips to live a happy life, achieve your dreams and live your best life. You can become unstoppable but you have to be daring, you have to be confident, let us show you how.



How To Stop Giving A Heck About People's Opinion

Play Video about affirmations to stop giving a damn about what people say about you

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