8 best ways to find your purpose in life

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If you want to be fulfilled, happy, content, and experience inner peace and ultimate fulfillment, you must find your purpose in life.

Do you find some things naturally easy to do? Do you have a special touch to do something than others? Write a list of everything you have it in your heart to do.

There is no set way to identify your talent, your purpose and gifts is not as hard as you think. Believe you me; you’re going to know when you do. Find your purpose in life should be at the centre of what you do.

Without a life purpose as the compass to guide you, your goals and action plans may not ultimately fulfill you. –Jack Canfield

This is what the world will know you for. Being talented is one thing but what is more exciting is that when you add your personality, your drive and passion in it, you can do mighty things through God.

Philippians 2:13, NLT: “For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.”

God places desires, and, sometimes, he places us in situations for us to learn things, and to get a sense purpose so that he will get the glory.

So, its time to do some searching.

find your purpose in life

8 ways to find your purpose in life


You may find that someone struggles to do something. It is explained at different levels and explained thoroughly but they just can’t get it right. You, however on the hand, find it so easy to do.

This not only applies to things that you’re good at something but even things you try for the first. Haven’t you tried something for the time and “boom” just like that you just connect with it and you get it.

It’s like a newfound hobby to the point sometimes where its like a newfound love.

Depending on how excited you are about it. This is one of the easiest ways to find your purpose in life.


Find a mentor in your area of gift or talent. It’s an important element of developing your gift and grooming your interest.

In life, you need someone to believe in you and what you’re about, and what better way than some with similar interests.

The good thing is that the mentor will be able to share his journey, his mistakes so you don’t have to make the same mistakes.

That will be as fuel and engine to your passion as they will be able to pull things out of you that you didn’t think was possible. Mentors challenge you and steer you along the right path.

Once you find your purpose in life, and figure out the path you want to go, they help to fine-tune the path. To find your purpose in life using this method, you have to let go of pride.


Do people commend you for doing things? Think back to whatever people tend to go crazy over and enjoy a lot after you do and give you really good comments. What are you complimented on?

What are you admired for?

It could even be something you’re famous or infamous for. What are you always asked to do and you find enjoyment in doing?

Anyone can attempt to do something, but only a few can do it well. Reflect on your life over the past couple of months, even years and make a note of the things people ask you to do and observe and understand the similarity. This simple way to find your purpose in life is unique.

find your purpose in life


It’s very important at this stage of your life to understand you. Can you do that with all the noise and distraction around you? No. You don’t need any surface-level self-introspection and assessment. Do you spend time alone? Have you ever meaningful spent time alone to understand who you are?

Understanding who you are is crucial. You are the most important person in your life. Love you for who you are, bask in your imperfect you.

Who are you? What things inspire you?

What do you care about the most?

Where do you plan to go from here?

How do you want to use your struggles and how you overcome to inspire people?

How do you get to answer these questions? You do by simply spending time alone.


If you find you’re getting lost in doing something. I could write all day without losing focus or getting bored.

Anything you find yourself doing and you put your everything in it, you know that’s your jam my friend, latch on to it and develop it.

You’re doing it at it for hours without being exhausted, first thing in the morning, that’s what you think about.

It may even take a lot of work but you don’t see it as hard work because you love it so much.

That’s how you know that is something you’re passionate about. No one has to pump you you to do it. You have high energy, you’re fully excited.


What’s at the forefront of your thoughts constantly? Sometimes you don’t feel enough to venture on a path, but don’t be afraid to activate what’s on your mind.

That’s the only way you will come alive.

Sometimes you don’t feel confident enough to do. Step out and leap of faith. Life is about learning new experiences. What do you constantly dream about?

Is there anything you can’t stop researching. Whatever is in your heart, plagues the mind and that’s normally where the passion is.

find your purpose in life
Photo from Pexels


What makes you feel alive? What do you that leaves a lasting impact? It makes you inspire people to change their lives. You could even consider yourself an influencer.

What do you do that triggers this feeling of a hero within you? When you find your purpose, it should make you feel like a hero.

It’s like you’re on fire.

You’re Unstoppable, dedicated and just ready to show up and do something stunning.


Personally, this was the easiest way for me to find my purpose. I was concerned about how laid-back and carefree people have become.

They’ve become so complacent and think much isn’t happening for them. They wallow in pity and think the worst of themselves, and can even lead to depression. I was in a state like that at a point in my life.

Find Your Purpose in Life Worksheet pdf free download

Everybody Has a Purpose in Life Quotes

  1. Everyone has a unique purpose that only they can fulfill.
  2. Your life has meaning, and your purpose is waiting to be discovered.
  3. Every person is born with a mission that only they can accomplish.
  4. You were put on this earth for a reason; find it, live it.
  5. Each of us is a piece of a greater puzzle, fitting perfectly into the universe’s plan.
  6. The purpose of life is to discover your gift; the meaning of life is to give it away.
  7. Your existence matters because you have a purpose that no one else can fulfill.
  8. You are here for a reason—find it and let it guide your path.
  9. Every soul has a purpose, a mission only they can achieve.
  10. You were created to fulfill a unique purpose that only you can accomplish.

Deep Purpose in Life Quotes

  1. A life without purpose is like a ship without a compass.
  2. Purpose is the reason you journey; passion is the fire that lights your way.
  3. When you find your purpose, you find yourself.
  4. Purpose is the key to unlocking a life of meaning and fulfillment.
  5. The depth of your purpose defines the depth of your life.
  6. True purpose lies in serving others and making a difference in the world.
  7. Finding purpose is about connecting with something greater than yourself.
  8. The search for purpose is the search for your soul’s mission.
  9. Purpose is the invisible force that guides your life’s choices.
  10. A deep sense of purpose gives life meaning, direction, and a reason to wake up every morning.

Short Quotes on Purpose

  1. Live with purpose.
  2. Purpose fuels passion.
  3. Find your why.
  4. Purpose drives action.
  5. You are here for a reason.
  6. Purpose gives life meaning.
  7. Your purpose awaits you.
  8. Purpose creates focus.
  9. Live a life of purpose.
  10. Purpose ignites the soul.

Quotes About Purpose in Work

  1. Work becomes meaningful when it’s aligned with your purpose.
  2. Purposeful work is the secret to fulfillment.
  3. Find purpose in your work, and you’ll never work a day in your life.
  4. Purpose-driven work leads to extraordinary results.
  5. Work with a purpose, not just for a paycheck.
  6. Purpose transforms work into passion.
  7. When work serves your purpose, it becomes a source of joy.
  8. Your work should reflect your deepest values and purpose.
  9. Purpose gives work meaning beyond the mundane.
  10. Working with purpose makes every effort worthwhile.

Power of Purpose Quotes

  1. Purpose is the power that propels you forward.
  2. With purpose, you can move mountains.
  3. Purpose is the driving force behind every great achievement.
  4. The power of purpose can overcome any obstacle.
  5. Purpose gives you the strength to persevere.
  6. Purpose is the engine that powers your dreams.
  7. Harness the power of purpose, and nothing can stop you.
  8. Purpose is the wind that fills your sails.
  9. A strong purpose makes the impossible possible.
  10. Purpose is the ultimate source of power and motivation.

Quotes About Purpose and Values

  1. Purpose and values are the foundation of a meaningful life.
  2. Your purpose is guided by your values.
  3. Align your purpose with your values, and you’ll find fulfillment.
  4. Purpose without values is directionless.
  5. Your values shape your purpose, and your purpose shapes your life.
  6. Living with purpose means living by your values.
  7. Purpose and values are the compass and map of your life.
  8. When your purpose aligns with your values, you are unstoppable.
  9. Your purpose is a reflection of your deepest values.
  10. True purpose is rooted in the values that define you.

Purpose Quotes for Her

  1. She is unstoppable because she knows her purpose.
  2. Her purpose is her power.
  3. A woman with purpose is a force of nature.
  4. Her purpose lights up her path and the world around her.
  5. She lives with purpose, and her life is a masterpiece.
  6. Her purpose gives her strength, even in the face of adversity.
  7. She was born with a purpose, and nothing can stand in her way.
  8. Her purpose is her guiding star, leading her to greatness.
  9. She embraces her purpose and lives boldly.
  10. A woman who knows her purpose can change the world.

On A Final Note

You can find your purpose. I had similar thoughts and attitude and beliefs.

All through my struggles, you don’t find many people especially males admitting that they have issues with self-love and acceptance. People have so much value in them if they only just believe. I want to be a source of inspiration to others.

By the grace of God, I was able to overcome.

You can too. You must find your purpose. In order for you to live to the fullest and live to be the best version of yourself, you must find your purpose in life.

Believe this scripture and make it an dread it until you believe it.

Philippians 4: 13. I can do all things through Christ which strengthen me.

I would love to hear from you. What is your purpose? If you have, how did you find your purpose?

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Davian Bryan
Davian Bryan

I am passionate about living your dream life, not settling; daring every area of your life to find your purpose, identify your dreams and work towards it. I write content to help readers aspire to be their best selves and start their and grow their online business. Are you ready?

Articles: 105

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