How to Claim WordPress Website on Pinterest

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You’re a newbie to Pinterest and trying to figure out how to claim WordPress website on Pinterest?

Today, I’m going to explain the simplest, most beginner-friendly way to Claim WordPress Website on Pinterest. If you haven’t yet started your blog, you can follow this step by step guide.

When you click the option to claim your website, it asks for an HTML code, and you might think “okay, what did I get myself into?”

Firstly, you should go to the plugin area and install the plugin “Insert headers and footers” from the dashboard area of WordPress. You will be able to copy and paste any code in the header and footer section of your website.

claim wordpress website on pinterest

Login to your WordPress account and go to the dashboard.

Go to Plugins and select “Add New.”

Search in the plugin directory for “Insert Headers and Footers” by WPBeginner.

Install and Activate it.

Once you’ve activated it, you will be able to adjust it in the “Settings” area of your website. Go to “Settings” and select “Insert Headers and Footers” in the submenu.

A number of text boxes will appear.

Let it stay open and then you’re now going to fetch the HTML code that Pinterest gave you to claim your website.

Claim WordPress website on pinterest

In the top right-hand corner in Pinterest settings, select the three little dots.

Some options will come on the left, scoll down to “Claim”.

Type the name of your domain in the space provided and then select “Claim Website”.

Next, you’re going to choose the HTML Tag option.

Highlight and copy the HTML tag exactly as you’re seeing it

Go over to your WordPress dashboard, you’re going to paste the HTML tag exactly as how you copied it from Pinterest in the “Header” textbox.

claim wordpress website on pinterest

Once you add an HTML tag to your website’s header section and save, go back to your Pinterest screen and click on the Next button that appears. It will ask you to submit your website to be reviewed.

You’re good to go!

Sometimes, it takes minutes but sometimes it can take up to 24 hours to be claimed. Just wait for a little.

You can know if your website is claimed when it appears with a tick beside your domain name.

Apart from links to your pins, this is the only clickable link Pinterest allows you to have on your account. This makes it easier to enable and set up rich pins on your account.

The benefits When you Claim WordPress Website on Pinterest

When you claim your WordPress website access, you will be able to see analytics that will make you understand the behaviour of visitors to your Pinterest account.

This is super helpful because it allows you to make the necessary adjustments to improve your overall strategy to certain g content for your website.

One interesting and powerful benefit when you claim WordPress website on Pinterest is that whenever anyone visits your website and pins images from your websites, it automatically links to your Pinterest account.

Do you know the amount of traffic that can bring to your website? This is amazing.

I highly recommend setting up a business account and claiming your website because it is a gold mine.

Be ahead of your competitors so you can really give your audience what they are looking for today- go claim your website.

Stay on top of things.

If you want to rock Pinterest and dominate the searches and dominate the search result rankings, you need to claim your website so you can use the analytics and ake the necessary changes that visitors to your profile are going to love.

Have you claimed you website and did you have any difficlutly?

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Davian Bryan
Davian Bryan
Articles: 22

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